Why Am I Still Single

fri - sun

Beth’s real hot, heaps smart, pretty funny, and can do the sex good. Yet somehow, she’s still single. What gives? Maybe it’s because she’s an A+ self-saboteur? Or perhaps it’s her warped ideas about relationships and gender roles thanks to a lifetime’s exposure to pop culture? Could it be her insecurities stemming from early childhood trauma? Or should she just accept that she’s actually really selfish? Join Beth for a well-informed journey (via Psychology Today articles) as she answers these questions and more in this sexually-liberated, caberet-ish, stand-upy show!

  • 10-11PM
  • Full $35, Concession $31, Group (6+) $28
  • The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Pl MELBOURNE VIC 3000
  • thebutterflyclub.com

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