VMDO presents Fed Square Live concert (19 Oct 2018)


Kick off the weekend with sizzling tunes

FREE Fed Square Live concert featuring The Merindas, Riverboy, Kee’ahn and Bumpy

As Melbourne resets into longer days and warmer nights, the new Victorian Music Development Office (VDMO) have curated a hot program featuring four very special Melbourne-based artists at a free Fed Square Live concert on Friday, 19 October 2018. In all their soulful and gritty glory, The Merindas will take to the Fed Square main stage alongside an incredible line up of some of Melbourne’s most outstanding emerging First Peoples musicians: Kee’ahn, Bumpy and Riverboy.

  • 6pm – 9 pm
  • FREE
  • Location Fed Square main stage Address Corner Swanston and Flinders Streets, Melbourne
  • fedsquare.com

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