

Chow Down Events and Le Will are serving up Melbourne’s first Anju style pop up called K-Popped. Anju is food that complements drinks in Korean. Foods such as the popular korean fried chicken (kfc), korean bowls and bibim bap, skewers and grilled corn will be served, mixed with some modern korean baos, burgers and kimchi fries.

There will also be a feature collaboration with the Soju Sisters, the first Australian soju concept pop up where you will find soju slushies and cocktails. They will also be serving korean beers for you to wash the fried chicken down. Finally, a korean event will not be the same with some korean pop music (K-pop).

  • 4PM-10PM
  • Free admission
  • Le Will, 305 Williams St Melbourne 3000 (next to Flagstaff station).
  • facebook.com

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