Don’t Trust me, I’m a Dentist (Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2020)

fri - sun

Based (mostly) on true experiences of former dentist Amir, this sketch-style narrative tells the story of Dr Ramirez, his long suffering nurse Yvette, some interesting patients and other poor buggers. Do you really know what your dentist is thinking when you’re at the mercy of his sharp instruments?

This comedy is directed by veteran TV and stage actor-director Roz Hammond who has an extensive back catalogue at the MICF, performing in 6 previous festivals as well as directing “Footy Chicks” and “These Things Happen”.

  • 7pm - 8pm (fri/sat), 6pm - 7pm (sun)
  • $32 full/$22 conc (fri/sat). $25 full/$20 conc (sun). $25 for Group 4+ (fri/sat) and $20 for Group 4+ (sun)
  • Meat Market (Meeting Room), 5 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne, VIC 3051

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