Anthony David

fri - sun

Always finding inspiration in a moving and evolving world, David’s gift of storytelling along with his unique musical delivery has impressed international audiences and he will be gracing the Bird’s Basement stage in May 2019.

Growing up on James Taylor and Bill Withers, David’s sound is that of neo soul and R&B, also adding genres such as rock and funk into his heartfelt music mix.

David’s beginnings in song writing are rooted in his history as a Gulf War veteran: throughout his 28 combat missions in Iraq, writing music was life-affirming when facing death was a sharp and possible reality.

David started in the industry in the late 1990’s and it has been quite the journey for him ever since: seven albums and several Grammy nominations later, David has become an international treasure.

Throughout David’s extensive tours abroad, he has established himself as an engaging performer with the ability to captivate a crowd with just his voice and guitar, backing his personalised brand of acoustic soul.

Anthony David will be performing two shows while in Melbourne, with the first being a self-titled show with his own music and the second being a tribute, ‘The Songs of Bill Withers’.

  • 7:45PM til late
  • From $37 + booking fee
  • Birds Basement - 11 Singers Lane, Melbourne

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